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Welcome to Ringgold Youth Soccer

Official RAYSA constitution & bylaws

Ringgold Area Youth Soccer Association

(effective 7/1/20)
(Update review in progress; approval expected by league parent meeting Summer 2023)


Article I.            Name and Location

Section 1.01     Name

The Association shall be known as Ringgold Area Youth Soccer Association, here-after RASYA or The Association.

Section 1.02     Location

 The Association shall consist of the geographically territory known as Ringgold which includes the following: The City of Monongahela, the Brough of Finleyville, the Borough of New Eagle, the Township of Carroll, the Township of Nottingham, Donora, and the Township of Union.

Article II.          Purpose

The purpose of RAYSA is to develop soccer players at all levels: recreational and travel

Article III.       Affiliation

The Club shall be an affiliate of the Pennsylvania West Soccer Association and has been constituted as a Youth Soccer Association as defined in the United States Youth Soccer Association Constitution. The Club shall be subject to the authority of the PWSA, the United States Soccer Federation and the Federation Internationale de Football Association.

Article IV.      Governance

The Association shall be governed by its Constitution, Bylaws, policies, rules, and regulations as appropriately approved an adopted, as prescribed by Articles Eight, Nine, and Ten respectively. The Association shall retain its autonomy, but will adhere to the Constitution, Bylaws, and Regulations of PA-West Soccer Association in all matter pertaining to interstate, intrastate, regional, national, and international competitions, or in other competitions sponsored by PA-West Soccer Association.

Article V.         Membership

Membership in RAYSA shall be defined as any parent/guardian, player, coach, or officer residing in the area outline in Article One, Section Two of the RAYSA Constitution. Membership is contingent on paying the applicable registration fee for at least one Playing Season, as define by Article Seven, Section One of the RAYSA Constitution and is subject to those additional requirements that may be established by the Bylaws and Board.

Article VI.      Fees, Dues, and Other Charges

The Board of Directors shall have full authority to fix and relegate fees, membership dues, registration fees, and other appropriate fees. charges for participation of youth I all programs of the Association. Fees, dues, and other fees/charges shall be payable in the manner set forth by the Board of Directors. All applicable fees, dues, and charges shall be paid in, in full, before any youth for which the fees, dues, and charges are applicable, shall be permitted to participate in the program of the Association. Failure to pay such fees, dues, and charges, as prescribed by the Board of Directors, will result in the termination of membership in the club.


All fees, dues, and charges will be applied to the current Playing Season, as defined in Article Six, Section One.

Article VII.    Playing Season and Fiscal Year

Section 7.01     Playing Season

The playing season dates, and duration of the Association shall be prescribed by PA-West Soccer Association, as determined annually by the PA-West Board of Directors. There shall be two playing seasons: FALL (roughly late August through early November) and SPRING (roughly late March through early June).

The Board of Directors of the Association shall have the authority to establish its playing seasons for the purpose of assessing fees, dues, and other charges.

Section 7.02     Fiscal Year

The Fiscal Year of the Club shall begin on July 1 and end on June 30 of the following calendar year. The Club shall distribute its income for each Fiscal Year at such time and in such manner so as not to become subject to the tax on undistributed income imposed by Section 4942 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (26 USX 4942) or corresponding provisions of any subsequent Federal tax law or regulation.

Further, the Club shall not:

o   Engage in any act of self-dealing as defined under Section 4941(d) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954; or,

o   Retain any excess business holdings as defined in Section 4943(d) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954; or,

o   Make any investments in such a manner as to subject it to tax under Section 4944 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954; make any taxable expenditures as defined in Section 4945(I) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954; or any corresponding provisions of any subsequent Federal tax laws or regulations.

Article VIII. Board of Directors

Section 8.01     Government

The government of the Association, with the authority established in this Constitution, Bylaws, policies, rules, and regulations, shall be vested in a governing body: Board of Directors, hereafter the Board.

Section 8.02     Board Structure

The Board will be composed as follows:

Section 8.03     Duties and Responsibilities

The duties and responsibilities of the Board shall be outlined individually and collectively in the Bylaws of the Association. All decisions of the Board are final, unless appealed at a Special Meeting of the membership and overruled or modified by a majority vote at the Special Meeting.


Elected Board members shall serve for a two-year term, the tenure of which is outlined for each position in the Associations Bylaws. Appointed members serve at the pleasure of the Executive Board and membership and can be voted out after the service of a one-year term from time of appointment. Any vacancies occurring during the season, as defined above, shall be filled by appointment of the Board and confirmed by two-thirds majority of the Board. Such appointments arising from a vacancy shall be distributed for nomination to the membership and a general election shall be held at the next General, Annual, or Special Meeting of the membership, given there is proper prior notice.


Any Board member may be removed from office and relieved of all duties and responsibilities by two-thirds majority vote of a quorum membership meeting of the Association, provided notice of proposed removal and memorandum on removal being provided to membership.

Meetings of the Board will be held as provided by the Associations Bylaws

Section 8.04     Personal Liability of the Board

To the fullest extent of the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, as in effect on ______________ or as thereafter amended, permit elimination or limitation of the liability of directors, no director of the Board shall be personally liable for monetary damages as such for any action taken, or any failure to take any action, as a director. This Section 4, Article VII shall not apply to any actions filed prior to ____________ nor to any breach of performance of duty or any failure of performance of duty by any director of the Board occurring prior to January 27, 1987. The provisions of this Section shall be deemed to be a contract with each director of the Board who serves as such at any time while this Section is in effect and each such director shall be deemed to be so serving in reliance on the provisions of this Section. Any amendment or repeal of this Section or adoption of any by-law or provision of the Constitution of the Club which has the effect of increasing director liability shall operate prospectively only and shall not affect any action taken, or any failure to act, prior to the adoption of such amendment, repeal, by-law or provision.

Article IX.       Meetings of the Club

Section 9.01     Notice

All meetings shall be proceeded by thirty-day notice to The Associations membership. Notice shall be distributed through oral and/or written means to all members in good standing with RAYSA. The exception to the thirty-day notice is any Special Meeting, defined in Article Eight, Section Four. All Special Meetings require a minimum fifteen-day oral and/or written notification to the membership.

Section 9.02     General Membership Meetings

There shall be one General Meeting of the membership during each season as defined in Article Six, Section One. The Fall General Meeting will be held in ____________ of each year. The Spring General Meeting will be held in ____________ of each year. The order of business at General Meetings shall be as follows:

§  Call to Order

§  Reading of the Minutes from the prior Membership Meeting

§  Acceptance of Minutes

§  Reports from the President, Treasurer, Secretary, Technical Director, Travel and In-House Directors.

§  Unfinished Business

§  Public comment and voting on proposed amendments to the Constitution, Bylaws, association policies, rules, or regulations

§  New Business

§  Public Comment

§  Adjournment

Section 9.03     Annual Meeting

There shall be one Annual Meeting of the RAYSA membership held in order to elect officers for the Board. This Annual Meeting may be held in conjunction with either of the General Membership Meetings. However, it maybe used to fill seats vacated outside of normal season play, as defined in Article Six, Section One. The procedure for nominations shall be adhered to as outlines under the Bylaws of RAYSA and thirty-day notice shall be given to the membership of the scheduling of this meeting.

Section 9.04     Special Meetings

Special Meetings of the membership maybe called at the majority discretion of the Board. Proper fifteen-day notice must be given to the membership, as well as a memorandum for cause.

Section 9.05     Quorum

A quorum for any General Meeting, Annual, or Special Meeting of the membership shall be a minimum of twenty members in good standing with the Association, in addition to a simple majority of Board members being present.

Section 9.06     Voting

Except where designated in the Constitution, Bylaws, policies, rules, or regulations all voting will require a simple majority of the membership or Board in attendance for any decision. Voting by proxy shall not be allowed.

Section 9.07     Rules of Order

Roberts Rules of Order shall be deemed to be adopted at all meetings of the Association

Article X.         Amendments

The Constitution of RAYSA may be amended or repealed, in whole or in part, by an affirmative two-thirds vote of the membership present and in good standing, based on one vote for each member, provided a quorum is present at an Annual or Special Meeting.


Proposals for amendment or repeal of the Constitution of The Association must be made in writing and be submitted to the Secretary of RAYSA forty-five days prior to any Annual or Special meeting. Thus, allowing a thirty-day consideration period by the membership for such proposals.


Notice to amend or repeal this Constitution, any Bylaws, policies, rules, or regulations must be given two Board meetings in advance, as well as thirty full days prior to Annual or Special Meeting to the membership. Any amendments will become effective immediately upon their adoption by the membership.

Article XI.       By-Laws, Policies, Rules and Regulations

In addition to this Constitution, additional Bylaws, Polices, Rules and Regulations may be established by The Association. However, no by-law, policy, rule, or regulation shall conflict with provisions of any governing document of The Association. Where there is conflict. The President in his sole discretion may resolve the immediate conflict and delegate formal resolution to the Board of Directors for immediate action for correction.


Any bylaw, policy, rule, or regulation amendment or repeal, in whole or part, will be adopted in the appropriate manner.

Article XII.    Dissolution

Upon the dissolution of the Association, the Board of Directors shall, after paying and making provision for the payment of all of the liabilities, dispose of all assets of the Association exclusively for the purpose, or purposes, stated in Article II of the Constitution in such manner, or to such organization, or organizations, constituted and conducted exclusively for like purpose or purposes as shall at that time qualify as exempt under Section 501(c)(3) and/or Section 501 (c)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or any corresponding provision of any subsequent Federal tax law or regulation, as the Board of Directors may determine.




Article I.            Membership

Section 1.01     Composition

RAYSA is open to any youth soccer organization within its territory, as defined in Article One, Section Two of the RAYSA Constitution, and is obtained by meeting the registration and membership requirements set forth by RAYSA and PA-West Soccer Association.

Section 1.02     Membership

Membership in RAYSA shall be defined as any parent/guardian, player, coach, or officer residing in the area outline in Article One, Section Two of the RAYSA Constitution. Membership is contingent on paying the applicable registration fee for at least one Playing Season, as define by Article Seven, Section One of the RAYSA Constitution and is subject to those additional requirements that may be established by the Board.


A person living outside of the territory of RAYSA, as defined by Article One, Section Two of the RAYSA Constitution, may apply for membership by receiving sponsorship from any Member in good standing, and is subject to the approval of the Board. Full membership rights are guaranteed to an Affiliate member who has received sponsorship and has paid the registration fee for applicable Playing Season, as defined in Article Seven, Section One of the RAYSA Constitution.

Section 1.03     Application for Membership

All applications for membership shall be made upon completion of the applicable season registration form and payment of the required dues, fees, and other charges. These registration forms will be maintained by the Registrar and shall be submitted by the following dates, if the member and their children wish to participate in the Playing Season, as defined by Article Seven, Section One of the RAYSA Constitution, of the Association:

FALL Playing Season, the Board will determine the deadline date prior to the playing season for which the applicable registration forms and fees are paid.

SPRING Playing Season, the Board will determine the deadline date prior to the playing season for which the applicable registration forms and fees are paid.


The Board may adjust these dates in accordance with changes in the start dates of the Playing Season set by PA-West Soccer Association.


Any Application for Membership/Registration received after the dates outline above will be considered by the Board on a case-by-case basis. Acceptance of a Late Application/Registration will be based on availability of space on a team in the child’s age group. The Association will make no guarantee for placement on a team for late applicants/registration. The Association reserves the right to assess a late fee as determined by the Board.

Section 1.04     Voting Rights

Each adult member in good standing with the Association shall be entitled to vote on business matters affected the Association at the General, Annual, or any Special Meetings, as defined in the RAYSA Constitution Article Nine, Sections Two through Four.


Each adult member in good standing with the Association shall be entitled to one vote in any voting matter brought before the membership. Each family will have a maximum of two votes.

Voting by proxy shall not be allowed under any circumstance.

Section 1.05     Discipline

The Board shall have full authority to suspend or expel a member for proper cause. Proper cause may consist of the violation of any provision of the Constitution, Bylaws, policies, rules, or regulations of the Association or the Associations affiliates, as define in the RAYSA Constitution Article Three. Suspension or expulsion may also occur if the member engages in conduct which, in the opinion of the Board, may be contrary to the Associations purposes.


The Board will advise the suspended or expelled member of their action, in writing, within fifteen days of its decision. Refunds of fees, dues, or other charges will not be made if the member has been suspended or expelled for proper cause.

Section 1.06     Resignation

Any member wishing to resign their membership from the Association may do so by submitting a written resignation to the Board. Refunds of fees, dues, or other charges will not be made after the commencement of the applicable Playing Season, as defined by Article Seven, Section One of the RAYSA Constitution. All refunds made prior to the first week of the applicable Playing Season will be reduced by an early withdrawal penalty to cover uniform, equipment, and administrative losses incurred by the Association. The early withdrawal penalty shall be determined at the sole discretion of the Board and will be disclosed on all registration forms.

Article II.          Fees, Dues, and Other Charges

Section 2.01     Required RAYSA Fee

The Association is required by PA-West Soccer Association to collect a fee from each and every player registered with PA-West Soccer Association. This fee, define by PA-West Soccer Association, is non-discretionary on the part of the Association and is subsequently paid in total to by the Association to PA-West Soccer Association. The fee is due and payable upon player registration.

Section 2.02     Membership Dues/Registration fee

All members registering a child to play with the Association will be assessed the appropriate membership dues and/or registration fees. These dues and/or fees are due and payable upon application for membership/registration as prescribed by Article One of these Bylaws.


No membership rights including playing privileges will be permitted until such dues and/or fees are paid. The dues and/or fees will be established prior to the applicable Fiscal Year of the Association, as defined in Article Seven, Section Two of the RAYSA Constitution, by the Board. The membership will be advised of the subsequent Fiscal Years dues/fee structure at the General Meeting held prior to the Fiscal Year for which the dues and/or fees are applicable. No additional dues and/or fees may be levied following the notification of the membership except by the approval of a majority of the membership as a Special Meeting, as defined in Article Nine, Section Four of the RAYSA Constitution.

Section 2.03     Other charges

All members shall be required to pay any additional charges approves by the membership of the Association. This may include, but not limited to candy sales; ticket sales; and/or other types of product sale; and/or field use/development assessments. If the member elects not to participate in this type of sales activity, they will be required to remit to the Association an amount equal to the amount determined as net profit for the Association.


Membership and player privileges will not be granted unless the applicable other charges are paid in full in the manner prescribes by the Board.

Section 2.04     Authority

The Board shall have the authority to establish dues, fees, and other charges and payment structure for each Fiscal Year.


The dues, fees, and other charges will be determined by the Board based on expenses and revenues of the prior Fiscal Year and anticipated expenses and revenues for the next Fiscal Year.

When possible, a budget will be provided to the membership justifying the establishment of fees, dues, and other charges. However, the establishment and presentation of a budget shall not be required.

Article III.       Board of Directors

Section 3.01     Organizational Structure

The Board of Directors shall consist of the following elected officials:

§  President

§  Vice President

§  Treasurer

§  Secretary

§  Two members at large Finleyville

§  Two members at large New Eagle

§  Two members at large Monongahela

§  Communications Director

§  Facilities Director

§  League Development Director

The following appointed officials shall also be members of the Board:

§  Technical Director

§  In-House Director

§  Travel Director

§  Procurement Director

§  Registrar

§  Referee Coordinator

The Executive Board is to be headed and overseen by the President of the Association and shall include the Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary.


All members of the Board are entitled to one vote on all matters before the Board, apart from the Referee Coordinator. There shall be no voting by proxy.


The Duties and Responsibilities of each Board member shall be outlined in Article Four of these Bylaws. The accompanying Organizational Structure Chart is attached as an Appendix to these Bylaws.

Section 3.02     Responsibilities

The Board of Directors shall handle the management and operation of the Association, and shall be responsible for and have the final authority, except where otherwise provide for:

§  Enforcing and interpreting the Constitution, Bylaws, polices, rules, and regulations of the Association;

§  Defining and establishing policies, rules, and regulations for the Association;

§  Creating appropriate committees such as:

§  Establishing the fees, dues, and other charges for the succeeding Fiscal Year;

§  Review and approval of all actions of appointed committees;

§  Review and approval of all commissioners and coaches for each Playing Season;

§  Recommending potential officers and directors for the Annual Meeting;

§  Approval of all expenditures of the Association exceeding $100 and suspending approval of expenditures on a case-by-case basis where prudent and expeditious to the operation of the Association, yet requiring the Treasurer to advise the Board of applicable payments at each meeting of the Board;

§  Establishing temporary rules and regulations for specific cases not provided for elsewhere, but which are deemed necessary by the Board to carry out the objectives of the Association; and.

§  Review the Constitution, Bylaws, policies, rules, and regulations of the Association to ensure consistency with the provisions of the affiliate organizations, to remedy inequities or inconsistencies, and to recommend to any Special or General Meeting of the membership desirable changes to the Constitution, Bylaws, polices, rules, and regulations.

Section 3.03     Meetings

The Board shall meet monthly on a day and time established by the President of the Association or at other times upon the request of the President, or request of one-third of the members of the Board. Two-thirds membership of the Board shall constitute a quorum for conducting of all business. The President shall act as chairman of each meeting of the Board and shall only cast a vote in the event of a tie. Each member of the Board is entitled to one vote on any matter of business before the Board. Voting by proxy shall not be allowed.

In the extenuating circumstances, when a Board meeting cannot be convened to address an issue in a timely manner, specific issues may be addressed via an e-mail/virtual meeting of the Board. An email/virtual vote will be accepted until such time as the Board is able to meet in person and will be documented in the Board’s meeting minutes.


Meetings of the Board shall be closed to the General Membership of the Association. Members wishing to address the Board on any issue may do so by invitation only from the President of the Association with as the one week’s written notice to the President. The President, in his/her sole discretion, may invite other members of the Association, such as Past Presidents to attend meetings to provide information and input on a matter (s). However, no business of the Association shall be conducted until those such individuals are no longer present. All actions of the Board during Board Meetings shall be reported to the General Membership through posted meeting minutes and at the General Meetings of the Association.


Roberts Rules of Order shall be deemed to be adopted at all meetings of the Association

Article IV.      Election of Board Members

Section 4.01     Voting

Each adult member in good standing with the Association shall be entitled to one vote, not exceeding two votes per family, in the election of Board members.

Section 4.02     Eligibility

Any adult member of the Association, as defined by Article One, Section Two of these Bylaws, shall be eligible for election to any office in the Association or eligible to appointment to position on the Board. In order to protect the integrity and fairness of the Board, no two family members may serve on the Board simultaneously, unless one member abdicates their voting rights.

Section 4.03     Nominations

The following procedures shall apply to the nominating process for the election of Board members:

1.       The President on or before the month prior to the Annual Meeting shall appoint a Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall consist of three or more members of the Association, one of which shall be appointed Chairperson by the committee members.

2.       The Nominating Committee shall be charged with submitting names to the General Membership at the Annual Meeting for the available elected position in the given year, as provided by Article Four, Section Four. All such nominations must have the consent of the nominee.

3.       Nominations for any elected or appointed position may be made from the floor at the Annual Meeting at which the election of officers occurs. All such nominations must have the consent of the nominee. Each nomination from the floor must have at least one seconding of the nomination.

4.       Depending on the number of candidates for each elected office, the voting may either be done through voice vote of the membership present, or if deemed appropriate by the President, a secret ballot maybe called.


Section 4.04     Tenure of Each Office

The tenure of each office of the Board shall be two years, unless proper cause may exist where the member has committed a violation of any provision of the Constitution, Bylaws, policies, rules, or regulations of the Association or the Associations affiliates. In the case of violation, please refer to Section One, Article Five of these Bylaws for removal measures.

Each elected position shall be voted upon in the following years:

                The President shall be elected in even years.

                The Vice President shall be elected in odd years.

                The Treasurer shall be elected in even years.

                The Secretary shall be elected in even years.

                The League Development Director shall be elected in odd years.

                The Facilities Director shall be elected in odd years.

                The Communications Director shall be elected in odd years.

                One Member at Large seat shall be voted upon each year, rotating for the two-year term.


All appointed Board members serve at the pleasure of the President and the Board and maybe removed from office after serving one year in the position, unless proper cause may exist where the member has committed a violation of any provision of the Constitution, Bylaws, policies, rules, or regulations of the Association or the Associations affiliates. In the case of violation, please refer to Section One, Article Five of these Bylaws for removal measures.

Section 4.05     Resignation

The Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall upon written resignation, have their replacements appointed and approved by a by a simple majority of the Board. These appointed individuals shall serve in their offices until the next General or Annual Meeting where the election of offices occurs. All other elected positions, having submitted a written letter of resignation, may or may not be filled by appointment by the President. These positions if filled will be open for election at the next General or Annual Meeting.

Vacancies of non-elected positions shall be filled by the President, with the approval of two-thirds majority of the members of the Board at the time the vacancy occurs. Should enough individuals not be available for these positions, they may remain vacant until such time as a suitable replacement can be found and voted upon. Service in a position, as the result of an appointment, shall not be counted in determining eligibility for consecutive terms.

If over the course of one year, a Board member misses more than 25% of the meetings, the member may be removed from the Board. The decision to remove will be made by a vote of the remaining Board members and would require a two-thirds majority of those members in good standing. If the member is to be removed the vacancy will be addressed via the procedures outlined above.

Article V.         Elected Officers of The Board – Duties and Responsibilities

Section 5.01     President

The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Association. The duties of the President shall include:

§  Preside over all Association meetings.

§  Primary Association representative at all meetings requiring the official presence of the Association.

§  Ensure Association operations conforms to BOD and Association standards & in compliancy with Association policies and Constitution & Bylaws

§  Manage all staff positions

§  Liaise with other Associations

§  Co-Sign all Association checks

§  Non-voting member of all committees, voting rights given in committee meetings in order to break ties

Section 5.02     Vice President

The Vice President shall assume all the duties of President, in his/her absence. In addition, the Vice President shall be responsible for:

§  Assist the President

§  Co-Sign all Association checks

§  Non-voting member of all committees, voting rights given in committee meetings in the absence of the President to break ties

Section 5.03     Treasurer

The Treasurer’s responsibilities shall be:

§  Bookkeeping (managing receivables & payables), keeping detailed accounts of all financial transactions of the Association

§  Collecting all debts and fees owed to the Club and depositing all such collections in a recognized bank;

§  Issuing all checks for all bills and obligations and where feasible prior approval of the Board for all expenditures exceeding $1000. All such expenditures exceeding $1000 must be approved in writing by the President or Vice President in lieu of prior Board approval.

§  Developing and providing the Board with a budget for determining fees, dues, and other charges. Such budget should be presented to the membership at its Annual Meeting;

§  Filing the annual tax return(s) of the Club using a qualified Certified Public Accounting firm;

§  Monitoring the activities of any fund-raising activities of the Club (candy sales, concession stand, tournament, etc.), in conjunction with the appropriate Board Member liaison, and providing the Club with an accurate accounting of all funds received and disbursed from those activities.

§  Administering the final affairs of the Association, including maintenance plan for financial ‘independence’

§  Be bonded at the expense of the Association

§  Preparation and management of budgets and financial statements and present a detailed report at each Board meeting

§  Oversee all grant applications

§  Oversees Budget Committee

§  Member of the Events Committee

Section 5.04     Secretary

The Treasurer’s responsibilities shall be:

§  Keep and manage historical records of the Association, and any Association documents (i.e. applications, licenses, CRCs, etc.)

§  Preparation of Executive meeting minutes and agendas

§  Distribute executive communications

§  PA-West compliance

§  Providing notice to the membership of all meetings; and,

§  Assisting the Field Manager with field permits, assignments, and maintenance.

§  Serves on the Conflict Management Committee

§  Serves on the Budgeting Committee, as a rotating member in odd years

Section 5.05     Members at Large (Collective)

The Members at Large responsibilities shall be:

§  Prepares equipment for distribution to teams – per determination by Player Development Committee

§  Stocks concession areas with equipment needed in prep. for the start of the season and prior to game days at each community’s ‘Game Day’

§  Represent their communities at meetings of the Association

§  Ensure the field set-up is complete for their community’s ‘Game Day’ (eg. Benches, concessions, flags, game balls) in coordination with the Facilities Director

§  One member from each community serves on: Events Committee, Conflict Management Committee, Budgeting Committee, Player Development Committee, and any other committee deemed necessary by the Board, except for the Rostering Committee. No one member at large may serve on every committee.

Section 5.06     Communications Director

The Communication Director’s responsibilities shall be:

§  Oversees and leads Marketing & Events Committee

§  Prepare a short term and long-term marketing plan for Association recruitment and growth

§  Works with Administrator to recruit and assign volunteers for various events as needed

§  Maintain ‘brand standards’ of RAYSA

§  Organize any ‘swag’ or Association ‘promotional products’

§  Provides information to Administrator and Webmaster as required for promotion of various events through registration system, website and newsletter

§  Review website content to ensure good flow and that information is complete and current

§  Serves on the Events Committee

§  Serves on the Budgeting Committee, as a rotating member in even years

Section 5.07     Facilities Director

The Facilities Director’s responsibilities shall be:

·   Visits field on a weekly or semi-weekly basis to ensure that equipment is being put away, locked up, is in good repair, and is accounted for – are there locks missing?

·   Check fields to ensure that teams are cleaning up after themselves and not leaving litter or other items out

·   Check field for any unsafe or general conditions (e.g. potholes, animal damage, grass too long, fields need to be re-lined, etc.)

·   Works with communities/sports organizations to ensure storage facilities are cleaned per the usage schedules for each Association

·   Check field playability on questionable days that are left to coach discretion or where there may be snow, etc.

·   Serves on the Events Committee

·   Serves on the Budgeting Committee

Note: this person’s job is NOT to set-up or put away equipment for teams, but to ensure that teams are doing what they should be doing

Section 5.08     League Development Director

The League Development Director responsibilities shall be:

§  Confirm / organize event with RAYSA

§  Solicit sponsors for event

§  Create an event budget

§  Organize any prizes and/or giveaways (e.g. shirts, water, treats, etc.)

§  Recruit volunteers, and organize volunteer training day

§  Determine / organize Registration process (with Registrar)

§  Create advertising materials to promote event (e.g. flyers); and provide information to Administrator to promote through registration system and to Webmaster to promote via website

§  Co-Chairman of the Events Committee

§  Serves on the Budgeting Committee

Section 5.09     Technical Director

The Technical Director’s responsibilities shall be:

§  Oversees and leads Coach Development Committee, as well as Player Development Committee

§  Manages coaching database

§  Prepares a coach training plan for the year and executes plan

§  Organizes coach certifications in compliancy with PA-West Soccer

§  Determines coach recognition opportunities (i.e. coach awards, profiles on website or newsletter)

§  Determines coach ‘benefit package’ (e.g. coach jackets, appreciation night, etc.)

§  Prepares coach ‘season/league’ information for distribution at coach meeting (in collaboration with In-House, Travel Directors, and Referee Coordinator)

§  Posts/distributes coach resource information (e.g. sample drills, tournament information, coaching articles, etc.)

§  Reviews and makes recommendation to Association policies with respect to coach development

§  Prepares a player performance guide – with expectations of what players should be achieving for each level

§  Develops program (and ‘player experience’) for each division (U6 though adult, including adaptive soccer program) and sub division (tiers or levels within a division ) – program to include technical training offerings, high performance teams, academy, team size, net size, Jamboree or other fun events, player movement between recreational and high performance teams, etc.

§  Develops year-round player evaluation program and organizes annual team tryouts, and subsequent determination of team placements

§  Reviews coaching applications and assigns Association approved coaches (in coordination with Coach Development Committee)

§  Works with Registrar and Rostering Committee in placement/balancing of rostering for all teams

§  Determines division placement for every team

§  Determines training resources needed for each coach (i.e. number of balls, cones, jerseys, etc.)

§  Reviews and makes recommendation to Association policies with respect to player development

§  Serves on the Conflict Management Committee

§  Serves on the Events Committee

§  Serves on the Coach Development Committee

§  Serves on the Budgeting Committee, non-voting member. Voting rights gained only to break tie, prior to President intervention regarding items specific to coaches and equipment.

Section 5.10     In-House Director

The In-House Director’s responsibilities shall be:

§  Primary point of contact for PA-West compliance regarding In-House league

§  Determine what the league’s needs will look like for each upcoming season – prepare proposal to Executive

§  Works with Referee Coordinator for game time assignments regarding time and location

§  Makes recommendations to Technical Director regarding coach ‘benefit package’ (e.g. coach jackets, appreciation night, etc.)

§  Coordinates the Academy training sessions and locations, as well as Game Days

§  Responsible for concession stand volunteer registration and ghost check collection, with the assistance of the Treasurer

§  Determines training resources needed for each coach (i.e. number of balls, cones, jerseys, etc.), with the assistance of the Technical Director

§  Provides content for In-House league page updates on website

§  Serves on the Rostering Committee

§  Serves on the Conflict Management Committee, as a rotating member in odd years

§  Serves on the Events Committee, as a rotating member in even years

§  Serves on the Budgeting Committee

§  Serves on the Player Development Committee

Section 5.11     Travel Director

The Travel Director’s responsibilities shall be:

§  Primary point of contact for RAYSA’s involvement in PA-West Travel league, all divisions

§  Determine what the league’s needs will look like – prepare proposal to Executive

§  Works with Referee Coordinator for game time assignments regarding time and location

§  Makes recommendations to Technical Director regarding coach ‘benefit package’ (e.g. coach jackets, appreciation night, etc.)

§  Determines training resources needed for each coach (i.e. number of balls, cones, jerseys, etc.), with the assistance of the Technical Director

§  Coordinate Travel teams practice schedules

§  Provides content for travel league page updates on website

§  Serves on the Rostering Committee

§  Serves on the Conflict Management Committee, as a rotating member in even years

§  Serves on the Events Committee, as a rotating member in odd years

§  Serves on the Coach Development Committee

§  Serves on the Budgeting Committee

§  Serves on the Player Development Committee

Section 5.12     Procurement Director

The Procurement Director’s responsibilities shall be:

§  Annually inventories all RAYSA equipment, and disposes of items that are no longer needed and/or usable

§  Determines what is needed for coming season, sources vendors and places order (in cooperation with Treasurer)

§  Stocks storage areas with equipment needed in prep. for the start of the season

§  Regularly checks Association equipment/materials through the season (e.g. nets, flags, tents) to see if items are needing to be replaced, mended or dried

§  Assists teams through year with additional or replacement items needed

§  Maintains database of equipment provided to each team and ensures equipment is returned at the end of the season, clean and ready for next use

§  Maintains a neat and tidy equipment room

§  Sources potential vendors and kit branding options

§  Main point of contact with uniform vendor

§  Provides information on website with respect to sizing

§  Works with Registrar to determine uniform needs for each season, and places order

§  Package uniforms for team pick up

§  Provides replacement and/or additional uniforms to teams as needed

§  Serves on the Events Committee

§  Serves on the Budgeting Committee

Section 5.13     Registrar

The Registrar’s responsibilities shall be:

§  Prepares registration system for upcoming season

§  Provides content for registration page updates on website

§  Submits recommendations to executive on annual registration pricing based on comparisons of other Associations

§  Prepares registration reports as required for executive, divisional coordinators and coaches

§  Rosters players and coaches in appropriate divisions according to the Rostering committees’ decisions

§  Solicits team rosters from coaches and/or Player Development committee, and advises on unregistered players

§  Tracks all registration payments, refunds, credits, etc. in support/conjunction with Association Treasurer

§  Submits registration information to PA-West

§  Ensure Association is compliant with minimum/maximum player numbers per team, OOD players, etc.

§  Organizes jersey numbers for teams

§  Does not automatically serve on any committee’s but may be asked to attend meetings as needed

Section 5.14     Referee Coordinator

The Referee Coordinator’s responsibilities shall be:

§  Manages database of referees, including copies of certifications

§  Assigns referees for all regular season and spring league games

§  Provides operational information/guidelines to all RAYSA referees

§  Organizes referee training session and provides information to Administrator and Webmaster for promotion to members interested in becoming a referee or interested in upgrading their skills

§  Follows-up with all referee discipline

§  Serves on the Conflict Management Committee, and receives voting rights when appropriate regarding referees

Article VI.      Committees of the Board

Section 6.01     Purpose and Formation

For the Association to function in an efficient manner, committees maybe established to support the work of the Board. These committees may be formed and dissolved by the Board. All Chairpersons, managers, or coordinators of these committees shall report their activities to the Board through committee meeting notes and Reports to the Executive at monthly Board meetings. No committee has the authority to make any action or representation of RAYSA without prior approval of the Board.

Depending on the nature of the work before any one committee subcommittees of the membership maybe formed.

Section 6.02     Permanent Committees of RAYSA

The following committees should be permanent structures of RAYSA unless dissolved by majority vote of both the Board and membership:

§  Conflict Management Committee

§  Events Committee

§  Budgeting Committee

§  Rostering Committee

§  Player and Coach Development Committee

§  Ringgold Development Committee (RDD)

These committees may vote on issues before them and prepare proposals to the collective Board and Executive for action upon the existence of a quorum of half the defined members of the committee.

Section 6.03     Conflict Management Committee

The Conflict Management Committee is Chaired by the President of RAYSA and is formed to deal with policy, rule, and regulation violations within RAYSA by members, as defined by these Bylaws Article One, Section Two. This committee shall include the follow Board members: President, Vice President, Technical Director, In-House Director (in odd years, unless it is an In-House matter), Travel Director (in even years, unless it is a Travel matter), three Members at Large (one from each community), and the Referee Coordinator.

The Referee Coordinator is a non-voting member of the committee, unless the actions before the committee directly regards referee actions. Voting rights of the President and Vice President are established in Article Five, Sections One and Two of these Bylaws.

Section 6.04     Events Committee

The Events Committee is Co-Chaired by the Vice President and League Development Director of RAYSA and is formed to deal with activities and events for the year, such as fundraisers, special events, and tournaments. This committee shall include the following Board members: President, Vice President, Procurement Director, Travel Director (in odd years), In-House Director (in even years), Facilities Director, Technical Director, Treasurer, and three Members at Large (one from each community).

Voting rights of the President and Vice President are established in Article Five, Sections One and Two of these Bylaws.

Section 6.05     Budgeting Committee

The Budgeting Committee shall be Chaired by the Treasurer of RAYSA and shall provide oversight and direction in the areas of budgeting and overall financial review of RAYSA, including audits. The committee shall review monthly and annual financial reports and work with the Treasurer to complete an annual budget for all leagues and facilities within RAYSA, as well as events sponsored by RAYSA. The committee shall include the following members: President, Vice President, Secretary, Travel Director, In-House Director, Technical Director, three Members at Large (one from each community), Facilities Director, and League Development Director.

The Technical Director shall be a non-voting member of the committee, whose voting rights only exist in order to break a tie. Voting rights of the President and Vice President are established in Article Five, Sections One and Two of these Bylaws.

Section 6.06     Rostering Committee

The Rostering Committee shall be chaired by the Technical Director and shall be solely responsible for the rostering of players with in RAYSA. This committee shall use the evaluations scores received by RAYSA to establish teams following PA-West and USSF guidelines on each travel team formation. In-house teams will be based on a variety of aspects including, but not limited to previous seasons assignment, coaching availability, etc. 

The committee shall be formed by the following members: President, Vice President, Travel Director, and In-House Director.

Voting rights of the President and Vice President are established in Article Five, Sections One and Two of these Bylaws.

Section 6.07     Player and Coach Development Committee

The Player and Coach Development Committee shall be chaired by the Technical Director and shall oversee all player and coach develop initiatives. This committee shall set the direction for player skill standards at each age group, recommended training modifications, Academy guidance, coaching qualification minimums, and any other such item deemed necessary for the development of our players and coaches at RAYSA. The committee shall be formed by the following members: President, Vice President, Travel Director, In-House Director, and three Members at Large (one from each community).

Voting rights of the President and Vice President are established in Article Five, Sections One and Two of these Bylaws.

Section 6.08     Ringgold Development Committee

The Ringgold Development Committee shall be chaired by the League Development Director and shall work to engage our membership to better the RAYSA league. The Ringgold Development Committee shall investigate ways to improve RAYSA current field accommodations, community outreach programs, and other such items that effect of membership at a ‘real world’ level. The committee shall be formed by the following members: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, three Members at Large, and one rotating member of the Technical Staff (Technical Director, In-House Director, Travel Coordinator).

Voting rights of the President and Vice President are established in Article Five, Sections One and Two of these Bylaws.

Article VII.    Disciplinary Action and Appeals

The Board shall have the right and authority to suspend, expel, or otherwise discipline any individual(s) with in the RAYSA organization (player, parent, coach, manager, referee, spectator).

The right and authority of the Board to take such actions shall apply where any individual or member of the Association has violated the Constitution, Bylaws, policies, rules or regulations of the Association. Such action may be based either upon an original complaint or upon the Board’s own action. The accused party shall be given a full opportunity to submit matters in rebuttal, mitigation, or extenuation to the allegations.

Article VIII. Amendments

The amendment, repeal; or suspension of the Bylaws may be done, in part or in whole, by two-thirds vote of the membership present and in good standing at any called meeting of the membership of the Club provided a quorum is present.


Proposals for amendment, repeal, or suspension must be made in writing and submitted to the Secretary of the Club to allow thirty-day notice to all members prior to the consideration of such proposals at any meeting.


Notice to amend, repeal, or suspend shall be given at two meetings of the Board of Directors and thirty-day notice to the membership.


Article IX.       Miscellaneous

Section 9.01     Indoor Leagues

Teams playing indoors will not be sanctioned the Club unless all players were registered as a RAYSA player the prior/current season. If that is not the case, each team will be responsible for its own insurance coverage.


In addition, the Club will not be responsible for the composition of such teams or their coaches, nor will the Club or its Constitution, By-Laws, Rules and Regulations and Policies prevail over the regulation of such teams unless so sanctioned by the Executive Board.

Section 9.02     Age Group Classification

The Association shall adhere to the age group classifications established each year by PA-West Soccer Association. All children will be assigned to the age group into which they fall according to the date of the registration letter, unless it is deemed a necessity for the foundation of a team in another age group.


If a child has an August birthday, the parent should be given the option to have them play with their school age peers. Playing with school age peers can only be decided before fall registration, unless the child has not played the previous fall and is only playing spring. Once the decision is made to “Play Up” the player must continue to play at that age group for the remainder of the season.


“Playing Up” because a player excels would not be an option until U8. Request would come from parents or the technical staff of the Association. If the request comes from the parents, the technical staff will take the request under advisement and place the player based on best interest of the player. If the request came from the coach or commissioner, we would need parent approval. Each request would have to be voted on by the technical staff. Requests can be made at the start of each season. No player will be moved up after the start of the season. The player evaluations, which should be done at the end of each season by the coaches, will be used to help determine if the player should be moved up for the following season. There must be an opening on the roster for the player. Once the decision is made to “Play Up” the player must continue to play at that age group for the remainder of the Playing Season.


Establishment of a team must be accomplished prior to the start of any Playing Season.


Upon initial registration with the Club, all players will be required to provide the Registrar with a copy of their official birth certificate. These will be maintained by the Registrar in the appropriate records of the Club. Copies of other evidences of birth will not be accepted, as they are not acceptable evidences of birth allowable by PWSA.


Section 9.03     Policies, Rules, and Regulations

The Board of Directors, as outlined under the Constitution and these By- Laws, may adopt any rule, regulation or policy in addition to those set forth in these By-Laws. However, any such rule, regulation, or policy shall not be inconsistent with any provision of the Constitution or these By-Laws.

All rules, regulations and/or policies of the Club shall be attached to these By-Laws and shall be adhered to unless amended, repealed or suspended as provided under these By-Laws.


Job Description


Voted or Appointed


· Preside over all Association meetings.

· Primary Association representative at all meetings requiring the official presence of the Association.

· Ensure Association operations conforms to BOD and Association standards & in compliancy with Association policies and Constitution & Bylaws

· Manage all staff positions

· Liaise with other Associations and Clube

· Co-Sign all Association checks

· Chairman of the Conflict Management Committee

· Non-voting member of all committees, voting rights given in committee meetings in order to break ties

Two Years

VOTED (even years)

Vice President

· Carry out the responsibilities of the President in his absence

· Assist the President

· Co-Sign all Association checks

· Co-Chairman of the Events Committee

· Non-voting member of all committees, voting rights given in committee meetings in the absence of the President to break ties

Two Years

VOTED (odd years)


· Keep and manage historical records of the Association, and any Association documents (i.e. applications, licenses, CRCs, etc.)

· Preparation of Executive meeting minutes and agendas

· Distribute executive communications

· PA-West compliance

· Serves on the Conflict Management Committee

· Serves on the Budgeting Committee, as a rotating member in odd years

Two Years

VOTED (even years)


· Administering the final affairs of the Association, including maintenance plan for financial ‘independence’

· Be bonded at the expense of the Association

· Bookkeeping (managing receivables & payables)

· Preparation and management of budgets and financial statements and present a detailed report at each Board meeting

· Oversee all grant applications

· Chairman of the Budget Committee

· Member of the Events Committee

Two Years

VOTED (even years)

Technical Director

· Manages coaching database

· Prepares a coach training plan for the year and executes plan

· Organizes coach certifications in compliancy with PA-West Soccer

· Determines coach recognition opportunities (i.e. coach awards, profiles on website or newsletter)

· Determines coach ‘benefit package’ (e.g. coach jackets, appreciation night, etc.)

· Prepares coach ‘season/league’ information for distribution at coach meeting (in collaboration with In-House and Travel Directors, and Referee Coordinator)

· Posts/distributes coach resource information (e.g. sample drills, tournament information, coaching articles, etc.)

· Reviews and makes recommendation to Association policies with respect to coach development

· Prepares a player performance guide – with expectations of what players should be achieving for each level in cooperation with In-House and Travel Directors

· Develops program (and ‘player experience’) for each division (U6 though adult, including adaptive soccer program) and sub division (tiers or levels within a division ) – program to include technical training offerings, high performance teams, academy, team size, net size, Jamboree or other fun events, player movement between recreational and high performance teams, etc.

· Develops year-round player evaluation program and organizes annual team tryouts, and subsequent determination of team placements

· Reviews coaching applications and assigns Association approved coaches (in coordination with Coach Development Committee)

· Works to ensure all players are placed and rosters are balanced all teams

· Determines division placement for every team in coordination with Travel Director

· Determines training resources needed for each coach (i.e. number of balls, cones, jerseys, etc.)

· Reviews and makes recommendation to Association policies with respect to player development

· Chairman of the Player and Coach Development Committee

· Chairman of the Rostering Committee

· Serves on the Conflict Management Committee

· Serves on the Events Committee

· Serves on the Budgeting Committee, non-voting member. Voting rights gained only to break tie, prior to President intervention regarding items specific to coaches and equipment.

Term served at the pleasure of the board


In-House Director

· Primary point of contact for PA-West compliance regarding In-House league

· Determine what the league’s needs will look like for each upcoming season – prepare proposal to Executive

· Works with Referee Coordinator for game time assignments regarding time and location

· Makes recommendations to Technical Director regarding coach ‘benefit package’ (e.g. coach jackets, appreciation night, etc.)

· Coordinates the Academy training sessions and locations, as well as Game Days

· Responsible for concession stand volunteer registration and ghost check collection, with the assistance of the Treasurer

· Determines training resources needed for each coach (i.e. number of balls, cones, jerseys, etc.), with the assistance of the Technical Director

· Provides content for In-House league page updates on website

· Assists in developing program each divisions program (and ‘player experience’) for each division of the In-House program, including adaptive soccer program. This program includes technical training offerings, high performance teams, academy, team size, net size, Jamboree or other fun events, etc.

· Assists in creating a player performance guide – with expectations of what players should be achieving for each level in cooperation with the Technical Director

· Assists in developing and administrating year-round player evaluation program and organizes annual team tryouts

· Serves on the Rostering Committee

· Serves on the Conflict Management Committee, as a rotating member in odd years (unless the issue is specific to In-House)

· Serves on the Events Committee, as a rotating member in even years

· Serves on the Player and Coach Development Committee

Term served at the pleasure of the board


Travel Director

· Primary point of contact for RAYSA’s involvement in PA-West Travel league, all divisions

· Determine what the league’s needs will look like – prepare proposal to Executive

· Works with Referee Coordinator for game time assignments regarding time and location

· Makes recommendations to Technical Director regarding coach ‘benefit package’ (e.g. coach jackets, appreciation night, etc.)

· Determines training resources needed for each coach (i.e. number of balls, cones, jerseys, etc.), with the assistance of the Technical Director

· Coordinate Travel teams practice schedules

· Provides content for travel league page updates on website

· Assists in developing and administrating year-round player evaluation program and organizes annual team tryouts, and subsequent determination of team placements

· Determines division placement for every team in coordination with Technical Director

· Assists in creating a player performance guide – with expectations of what players should be achieving for each level in cooperation with the Technical Director

· Serves on the Rostering the Rostering Committee

· Serves on the Conflict Management Committee, as a rotating member in even years (unless the issues is specific to Travel)

· Serves on the Events Committee, as a rotating member in odd years

· Serves on the Player and Coach Development Committee

Term served at the pleasure of the board



· Prepares registration system for upcoming season

· Provides content for registration page updates on website

· Submits recommendations to executive on annual registration pricing based on comparisons of other Associations

· Prepares registration reports as required for executive, divisional coordinators and coaches

· Rosters players and coaches in appropriate divisions according to the Rostering committees’ decisions

· Solicits team rosters from coaches and/or Player Development committee, and advises on unregistered players

· Tracks all registration payments, refunds, credits, etc. in support/conjunction with Association Treasurer

· Submits registration information to PA-West

· Ensure the Association is compliant with minimum/maximum player numbers per team, OOD players, etc.

· Organizes jersey numbers for teams

· Serves on the Ringgold Development Committee

· Serves on the Events committee

Term served at the pleasure of the board


Communications Director

· Prepare a short term and long-term marketing plan for Association recruitment and growth

· Works with Administrator to recruit and assign volunteers for various events as needed

· Maintain ‘brand standards’ of RAYSA

· Organize any ‘swag’ or Association ‘promotional products’

· Provides information to Administrator and Webmaster as required for promotion of various events through registration system, website and newsletter

· Review website content to ensure good flow and that information is complete and current

· Serves on the Events Committee

· Serves on the Budgeting Committee, as a rotating member in even years

· Two Years


VOTED (odd years)

Procurement Director

· Annually inventories all RAYSA equipment, and disposes of items that are no longer needed and/or usable

· Determines what is needed for coming season, sources vendors and places order (in cooperation with Treasurer)

· Stocks storage areas with equipment needed in prep. for the start of the season

· Regularly checks Association equipment/materials through the season (e.g. nets, flags, tents) to see if items are needing to be replaced, mended or dried

· Assists teams through year with additional or replacement items needed

· Maintains database of equipment provided to each team and ensures equipment is returned at the end of the season, clean and ready for next use

· Maintains a neat and tidy equipment room

· Sources potential vendors and kit branding options

· Main point of contact with uniform vendor

· Provides information on website with respect to sizing

· Works with Registrar to determine uniform needs for each season, and places order

· Package uniforms for team pick up

· Provides replacement and/or additional uniforms to teams as needed

· Serves on the Events Committee

· Serves on the Budgeting Committee

Term served at the pleasure of the board


League Development Director

· Confirm / organize event with RAYSA

· Solicit sponsors for event

· Create an event budget

· Organize any prizes and/or giveaways (e.g. shirts, water, treats, etc.)

· Recruit volunteers, and organize volunteer training day

· Determine / organize Registration process (with Registrar)

· Create advertising materials to promote event (e.g. flyers); and provide information to Administrator to promote through registration system and to Webmaster to promote via website

· Co-Chairman of the Events Committee

· Serves on the Budgeting Committee

Two years

VOTED (odd years)

Facilities Director

· Visits field on a weekly or semi-weekly basis to ensure that equipment is being put away, locked up, is in good repair, and is accounted for – are there locks missing?

· Check fields to ensure that teams are cleaning up after themselves and not leaving litter or other items out

· Check field for any unsafe or general conditions (e.g. potholes, animal damage, grass too long, fields need to be re-lined, etc.)

· Works with communities/sports organizations to ensure storage facilities are cleaned per the usage schedules for each Association

· Check field playability on questionable days that are left to coach discretion or where there may be snow, etc.

· Serves on the Events Committee

· Serves on the Budgeting Committee

Note: this person’s job is NOT to set-up or put away equipment for teams, but to ensure that teams are doing what they should be doing

Two Years

VOTED (odd years)

Referee Coordinator

· Manages database of referees, including copies of certifications

· Assigns referees for all regular season and spring league games

· Provides operational information/guidelines to all RAYSA referees

· Organizes referee training session and provides information to Administrator and Webmaster for promotion to members interested in becoming a referee or interested in upgrading their skills

· Follows-up with all referee discipline

· Serves on the Conflict Management Committee, and receives voting rights when appropriate regarding referees

Term served at the pleasure of the board


Members at Large (Monongahela, New Eagle, Finleyville – 2 per community)

· Prepares equipment for distribution to teams – per determination by Player Development Committee

· Stocks concession areas with equipment needed in prep. for the start of the season and prior to game days at each community’s ‘Game Day’

· Represent their communities at meetings of the Association

· Ensure the field set-up is complete for their community’s ‘Game Day’ (eg. Benches, concessions, flags, game balls) in coordination with the Facilities Director

· One member from each community serves on: Events Committee, Conflict Management Committee, Budgeting Committee, Player Development Committee, and any other committee deemed nessecary by the Board (no one member at large may serve on every committee)

Two Years

VOTED (opposite years: one even, one odd)



Sub committees will be formed from these board members that include, but are not limited to the following:

Events Committee

Conflict Management Committee

Ringgold Development Committee

Budgeting Committee

Player and Coach Development Committee

Rostering Committee



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